Transport Empire Wiki

Dispatch Airships Airships to distant lands to exchange Crystals Crystal, Parts Parts, and fulfill Contracts for Experts Experts to make production optimally efficient.

The Airport District-air in Highcloud & your first Airship, the Leviathan , is unlocked at Level 9.

Crafting Costs[]

Name Level Craft Cargo
Leviathan 9 Wood180 Spring3 Rope3 Crystal Parts Leviathan
Cyclone 16 Crystal30 Pump2 Longeron1 Experts Cyclone
Draco 10 Framework 1 Gondola 1
Covering 1Propeller 2
See Sky Conqueror
Crystal Parts Experts Draco061516
Sky Whale ? Purchase Only Crystal Parts Experts Sky Whale airship


The following is a comparison between Basic Airships as they come from the factory and those fully-Upgraded through Research.

Efficiency Locomotive Efficiency & Speed Speed are derived from actual Contract data. The rating value of the Speed is the ratio to the default speed, while the a high Efficiency (more than 100%) requires fewer resources to complete a contract.

The data of the default Airship was found by moving all available Airships into Reserve before attempting to initiate Contracts.

The Chance to obtain Items Locomotive Chance to obtain items are approximations based upon taken from the in-game bars graphs. A Airship's Maximum Reliability Ship Reliability will determine how often Repairs must be made. Preventative Maintenance may be performed prior to breakdown to Restore a ship's current Reliability (which is reduced through normal usage in fulfilling Contracts), up to its Maximum. A maintenance worker can be hired for a few gold to do the maintenance automatically.

Comparsion Airships[]

Ship Status Ship Efficiency Ship Reliability Ship Speed Ship Chance To Obtain Items
basic 100% 300 100% 50
upgraded 111% 350 118% 50
basic 100% 300 100% 50
upgraded 105,5% 500 111% 50
Sky Whale basic 100% 100% 65
upgraded 125% 118% 65